Undergraduate Study – Enrollment

Enrollment conditions and selection criteria in case of restricted enrollment

You can enroll in the 1st year of the 1st level multimedia university study program if you meet the following conditions:

  • Those who have passed the matura or, have completed any four-year secondary school program before the 1st of June 1995; in case of restricted enrollment, candidates are selected according to:
    • general success at the matura or final exam – 60% points
    • overall success in the 3rd and 4th year – 40% points;
  • Those who have passed the vocational matura in any secondary school program and the examination in one of the matura subjects, which may not be a subject that the candidate has already passed at the vocational matura; in case of restricted enrollment, candidates are selected according to:
    • general success at the vocational matura – 40% of points,
    • overall success in the 3rd and 4th year – 40% points,
    • grade/success at the graduation subject – 20% points.

Enrollment points can be unofficially calculated on the web page Dijaški.net, where they can also be compared with the restrictions on enrollment points from previously announced enrollment deadlines.

Three smiling multimedia students are pointing to the Multimedia sign at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering.
A student is writing an exam for the RTVS course, which is taking place on 30th January 2019 at 9:00.

Conditions for completing a year, moving to a higher year and repetition of the year

  • A student can enroll in the 2nd year if he / she completes the obligations from the 1st year with at least 53 credit points (ECTS) by the enrollment deadline.
  • A student can enroll in the 3rd year if he / she completes all obligations from the 1st (60 ECTS) and obligations from the 2nd year with of at least 53 ECTS by the enrollment deadline.
  • In accordance with Article 125 of the Statute of the University of Ljubljana, a student may exceptionally enroll in a higher year, even if he / she has not fulfilled all prescribed obligations for advancement, when he / she has justified reasons, such as: maternity, long illness, exceptional family and social circumstances, recognized status of a person with special needs, active participation in top professional, cultural and sports events and active participation in university bodies. The FEE Study Commission decides on the possible exceptional enrollment on the basis of the student’s submitted application.
  • In accordance with the legislation and the Statute of the University of Ljubljana, repetition is possible only once during the course of the entire study. A possible change in the study program or course due to non-fulfillment of obligations in the previous study program or previous course is also considered as a repetition.
  • To re-enroll in the 1st year, the student must complete the obligations from the 1st year in the amount of at least 30 ECTS.
  • To re-enroll in the 2nd year, the student must complete all obligations from the 1st year (60 ECTS) and obligations from the 2nd year in the amount of at least 30 ECTS.

Conditions for the completion of studies

The student completes the study when he / she completes all the prescribed obligations of the study program in the amount of 180 credit points (ECTS).

The Statute of the University of Ljubljana, last amended on 27th July 2019, stipulates in Article 128 when a student does not have to pay for the defense of his / her thesis.

A candidate who has completed all study obligations except for the final thesis before losing the student status and had a confirmed final thesis topic no later than six months after the loss of the student status, can complete his / her studies without payment, but no later than two years after the loss of the status.

In the event that the student does not complete the study obligations other than the final part before the end of the student status, the defense must be paid for in accordance with the UL price list.

The change is valid from 1st October 2019, because the decision of the FEE Board of Directors on the transitional period expired on 30th September 2019.