Multimedia – Study program of the future

Areas and the future
It is difficult to predict the future accurately, but based on experience and knowledge of the development, it is very safe to say that the field of multimedia will grow strongly, as the need for interdisciplinary professionals in this field is already much greater than what is currently available on the market.
Multimedia is already making its way into practically all areas, even where one would not have expected it just a few years ago. At this point, it is to point out that the field of multimedia is very broad, covering devices, services, solutions, and users, and appears in all fields, such as medicine, education, art, history, technology, biology, sociology, social sciences, and so on. At the same time, precisely because of the branching and vastness of the field, specialists in multimedia increasingly require a broader range of skills, primarily including information and communication technologies, programming, audiovisual content creation, modelling and animation, knowledge of the fundamentals of design and aesthetics, audio-video engineering, as well as sociology and social science, among many other areas.

Employment opportunities
The presentation and delivery of information is increasingly changing and adapting to end users. Therefore, regardless of the industry in business or public administration, there is an increasing need for the creation of multimedia content, new methods of presentation, the production of a variety of devices that communicate with users or allow communication between users, right up to teaching with or about multimedia technologies. It is precisely because of the range of knowledge of multimedia engineers, that they are in demand in all areas, which is both an advantage and a challenge for each of them. In their work, they often focus on or specialize in a narrow field, but their wide range of knowledge still allows them to work with all other professions in all fields.
Today, multimedia engineers are sought out and employed by companies such as Telekom Slovenije, RTV Slovenia, Outfit7 and Ekipa 2, AVC group, Rap-ing, ArtRebel9, University of Ljubljana, which have recognized the multimedia degree program as promising and support it with funding, as well as many other companies and organizations from all sectors. Multimedia engineers are also employed by many companies abroad, especially those that want to produce, present, connect and develop their products and services in a user-friendly way.
Form of study
The field of multimedia is very broad and covers many aspects, and the first and second level of Bologna multimedia courses are designed accordingly. Most of the study takes place under the auspices of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and the Faculty of Computer Science and Informatics, where students mainly deepen their engineering knowledge. In addition, social science and artistic aspects are also covered by lecturers from other members (Faculty of Social Sciences, Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television, Faculties of Economics, Faculties of Arts). During their studies, students also meet many experts from the business world who enrich the lectures as guest lecturers. The focus of the studies is primarily on engineering knowledge and practical work, which is why multimedia students are highly sought-after employees in various companies.
In addition to the regular form of study, students are also offered international exchange programs (Erasmus+) that allow them to acquire knowledge and experience abroad. During a semester, students acquire additional valuable knowledge and experience, but most importantly, new acquaintances and business opportunities. Every year UL FE and FCIS expand the range of foreign universities with which they have cooperation agreements that allow international exchange for all courses of both faculties.

Undergraduate Studies
3 years / 180 ECTS
type of study
First stage of the interdisciplinary university study program
earned title
Bachelor of Multimedia Engineering (UN)
program holders
The Faculty of Electrical Engineering UL (accepts applications) together with the Faculty of Computer Science and Informatics UL
Master Studies
2 years / 120 ECTS
type of study
Second stage of the interdisciplinary master’s study program
earned title
Master of Multimedia Engineering (MAG)
program holders
The Faculty of Computer Science and Informatics UL (accepts applications) together with the Faculty of Electrical Engineering UL
Content of the study program Multimedia

Project work
In addition to the regular form of study, several laboratories involve students in numerous national and international research and market projects in which they can deepen and expand their knowledge. Within the framework of the projects, participants get to know modern equipment, learn correct procedures and proper handling, research and participate in the development of the future, make new acquaintances, meet many experts or even a future employer.
Due to the large number of participating laboratories, the series of projects and project collaborations is also suitable. They cover practically all areas of the multimedia course and in some cases even go beyond them.
Final thesis
Students in the multimedia program complete their studies at the first Bologna level with a thesis. Thesis topics are very varied and can be chosen from a range of topics published by tutors, but candidates can also propose them themselves. First level Bologna theses are usually practice-oriented, while second level theses are more in-depth and research-oriented. In both cases, the authors defend the thesis before a three-member committee that evaluates the quality of the thesis and the defense.