Between November 21st and 25th, the EUTOPIA project week takes place in Ljubljana, the goal of which is the collective development of sustainable policies and approaches through the cooperation of students, researchers and social agents and thus the establishment of a transnational and sustainably oriented University. During this week, it is possible to take part in several different events, at several locations around Ljubljana, where various presentations and events take place at almost all the member institutions of the University of Ljubljana, at the headquarters of the University of Ljubljana and the Grand Hotel Union.

The project week began on Monday with the opening ceremony at the Academy of Music, which was also broadcast online. Multimedia support and live transmission was provided by the team of the Multimedia Center of the Multimedia Laboratory (MMC LMMFE) in cooperation with many students of the Multimedia study program. In addition to the opening ceremony, the MMC LMMFE team also takes care of the implementation of all major events, in the framework of which hybrid transmissions and meetings are provided, a greater number of cameras, microphones are used, lecturers and guests also participate remotely. In case of simpler broadcasts, the LMMFE team mainly provides support and advice to other members or technical colleagues. In one week, the team will take care of the implementation of more than 10 broadcasts and the same amount of support to other members or manjšim dogodkom po celotni Ljubljani.

In hybrid and advanced setups, advanced approaches based on the use of the IP protocol and flexible management, image mixing, audio mixing and transmission systems are in use. High-quality robotic cameras are also used for broadcasts, which enable remote control and at the same time they are less conspicuous and disturbing for the performers. The implementation part of the project also enables the students of the Multimedia study program to get practical training in various areas, from planning the entire system to installation, as well as the creative part of the broadcast with recording, directing and editing.

In the foreground, the participants of the event are seated, while a slide presentation of the EUTOPIA project is shown on a large screen in the background.
At an EUTOPIA event, four team members are sitting sit behind computers on the balcony of the auditorium and helping with the technical implementation.
Conference lecture as part of EUTOPIA Week, where the Multimedia Centre team provided multimedia support and broadcasted the lectures. The participants are seated in front of the lecturer who is using slides for her presentation.
A professional camera is recording two musical performers on stage at the Academy of Music. The Multimedia Centre team of the Multimedia Lab provided support at the launch of the EUTOPIA project week.
A multimedia student is filming with a professional camera at an EUTOPIA event.